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I would like to do something new and fun while we wait for new images.

I would like to focus on one of my OCs and read your comments. So just to pass the time and interact. 

Since it has been more than a year and some of them you have gotten to know them well, I think it is fun to talk about them.

Let's start with Laura. What do you like about her?

You can write anything you want, from normal topics to fetish.

Maybe you will find that you love her more than you think. 




Honestly she is my favorite out of all of them. I like her general look and her happy personality. Strangely I like it more when she is being tickled I would love to see more of her in future comics or animation.


Laura is carefree, a little naive, likes to to have fun in a spontaneous fashion and may take advantage of vulnerable moments her friends might find themselves in. To be clear I enjoy theses qualities a lot! but personally I feel that Laura is too similar to Jenna and I wish that Laura would have something a little more to make her feel more like her own character rather then a clone of Jenna. (They even have the same weak points) the only differences between Laura and Jenna is their occupations, age and design. However the one thing I most enjoy most about Laura is her chemistry with Jenna! I feel as though Jenna is often lost in her own little world not paying attention to reality. there aren’t many people that can keep up with Jenna besides Laura. This is something that no other character can compete with!!! (The picture of Laura and Jenna tickling each other is a picture I often come back too <3) So to put it simply I do like Laura but she is far too similar to Jenna. I’m Sorry, my opinions on Laura are more negative then I thought 😓


I have to agree with JoyBoy, she is too similar to other characters and she doesn't really stand out on her own. I don't have anything against cute and bubbly characters, I personally like strong characters (both physically strong or mentally strong) but for me, it's more the situations the characters are in is more important to me. I hope that makes sense and forgive me for my honesty.


I think laura is a nice character and i like how her feet are ticklish and she doesn’t mind having them tickled or tickling others


I am happy that Laura also has her fans. I also hope to draw her more often. I guess you liked the sketch I just made.


Don't worry. I also think pretty much the same things XD. I am aware that Laura looks a little like Jenna. It's not always easy to create charismatic and original characters. I think Xiang Jiang, or Nova, are much more vivid characters with so much potential. Laura is a simpler character but I hope to enhance her more and more. <3


Simple characters are not necessarily bad, Jade is a good example of a simple character done very well <3


She is a doll. Lovely girl with lovely pinky soles.


Actually I have a question for you. And this is a question I will ask for every post requesting for our thoughts about an individual. 1. What are YOUR thoughts and personal feelings for the character Laura? As the characters creator I’m interested in hearing your thoughts and opinions.


2. What was the creation process like for Laura ?


3. It might be to early to ask this question, but would you say that you are satisfied with how this character came out?


She gives me a pleasant feeling. If I look at her I feel cheerful and relaxed. I adore her blue hair. I'm sure I don't mind having her as a friend. A sweet, spendy girl who loves to tickle. XP


Laura's realization came about somewhat by accident. A bit regarding all of the girl of old , first illlustration of the poll (the day that perhaps sengned the real change on my page). Laura has a different story, though, because she was created even before this illustration. I had made her in the comic strips and she was a pedicursta working on Sandy and Jessica. So she is not a character that I really made from scratch but I based on the design of that comic strip. At that time I wanted a different face, and hair of a shape and color that I hadn't made yet, so I created a smiling girl with blue hair. When I had to make Laura official on Patreon, I thought I would keep all those features, adding the fact that she is also a little silly ( XD ) and likes to tickle people for fun. It was spontaneous for me to do that, because I liked the design and she was really a pedicurist. I would have regretted not using her. This was only possible because I enjoy creating secondary characters as well.


Yes, it's a little early to talk, because there are still so many things I want her to do, however, I'm satisfied with what the character is now. <3


In the first sentence are you referring to the day when you posted the 5 new characters all together as pedicurist? I remember Laura already existing in an old comic strip, but if I’m understanding your words correctly then even before the "big poll" you were actually adding more characteristics onto Laura. And all you did was simply made her more silly when publishing her along with the other 4 new characters. It’s ironic that Laura’s existence was a spontaneous action XD (just like Laura herself) That was really interesting to read. I’m excited for more of these “filler” post to be created.


Laura is pretty darn cute and a great person to have around ❤️