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Jude wants to find out who is more ticklish between Sandy and Monique.

An alternate version with more panels arrives tomorrow.

I put two variations, in one image there are movement linne.




Very nice and delicious. I also like seeing Jude’s foot in her fish nets


Fitting, your PFF does put them both at the top of ticklishness scale 🤣 that said Sandy got a 10 so I think she loses 💀


I love the details in the background with Jude doing REAL research on who Is more ticklish, when I suggested this idea I was Imaging something more sadistic. But instead I love how Jude is actually really focused and taking this research seriously! 🤩🤩🤩 I really wish there was some way I could read those papers!! XD unconsciously Jude is teasing us with that foot 😍 The size compression…🤤


I can't enough of Jude's legs 😍


Also how does Jude get them to come over, does she kidnap them or trick them?


Of course, her approach is 100% scientifical. How could you think Jude would do something like this for her own kinky, devious, sadistic pleasure. Never. 😁


No I didn’t mean Jude would have had a more sadistic method, I meant I thought Jude’s attitude would have been a lot more sadistic. But instead it feels like Jude is just doing homework… which I love! XD