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We conclude the old poll on Pokèmon with the character I most hoped would win: Bea.

I cheered for her. Although I couldn't wait to draw her, I left the illustration of her for last as if it were the perfect conclusion to the poll.

I don't know Bea's behaviors, but from the moment of her first announcement in Pokemon, I liked her very much. She has a design that I love, both for how she is dressed and for her hair, she is perfect for me, plus she is a dark skinned barefoot fighter. What more can I want?

For Bea I decided to make an illustration with multiple panels, because I really wanted to tickle her so much and I needed to represent her in different poses.

I really hope you enjoy it so much. I hope to tickle her on other occasions.




Ma fantastica 😍....che dire migliori sempre di più


I feel like I have been waiting years for this illustration, and it lived up to the hype! 😍 The new One Piece chapter also finally comes out today as well, did you plan for this? XD I like the zoom in on Bea feet and face on the left side, Bea gray eyes are oddly sensual. Oh, and that top right panel 🤤🤤🤤 Bea deserved this special treatment of multiple panels!!! I knew Machamp was obviously going to make an appearance he has trained for this moment XD


This remind some of how Bad Pierrot does his patreon art. It looks really nice.

Adam Bichr

Bea is best pokigirl!


Fantastic One Piece chapter <3 So today you are doubly happy XD Thank you for honoring me by comparing the expectation of this illustration to that of the One Piece chapter. XD <3 <3 <3 I also think her eyes are sensual. While I was coloring I thought they were. The top right panel leaves Bea's feet without a chance <3 How comfortable it is to have a four-armed Pokemon available. XD


That illustration is wonderful. I wanted to make a similar one and so I used the same pokèmon.


Nice! I particularly love the way she was restrained, and tickled on her vulnerable armpits.