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This is a poll that won't change patreon's content.

It's just my curiosity, because for me this is not a hobby and I'm curious to know what you perceive from my art. I'm doing my best to make this a job for me. I would like to understand what kind of artist I am.

So, as the title says, what do you like about my art?  You can also comment. I always enjoy reading you.

For the fetish part I'll do another poll.



I like how we never know what to expect next. always surprises coming form you.


I’d say your colouring and creativity is on point, I really love the rare use of Copics and the colour pallets you use for certain characters. The character design is definitely the best part of Everyday for me, especially the designs of male characters! But for now I think it’s too early to judge your story telling skills.


What do you mean by “narration of the pages”?


Thanks, you always write wonderful comments. I am really happy that you like my art globally and I am very satisfied that you like male characters as well. I love you friend. 😁❤️


You are SO good at tickle dialogue. Half of my favorite part about tickling is the verbal part and you have that mastered