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Last night, while he was in bed with me, I woke up at two o'clock and felt that he was breathing badly.

The moment was heartbreaking.

We took him to the vet at night.

There was nothing to be done.

My sweet Rocky died this morning.

I am destroyed by despair.

Thanks for the love you gave me yesterday.

Goodbye, Rocky. ❤️

You'll always be in my heart. ❤️❤️❤️



My sincere condolences. Take solace that rocky is no longer suffering. Remember him not with tears and sorrow, but with all the joy and laughter you shared.


So sorry to hear about your cat. 😔 I know how you feel. I lost my cat to cancer 3 months ago (the one that's my profile pic on my PayPal) He was 12 when he passed. 😔