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Dear patreons, thank you all for your support.

I must confess that I don't have a lot of money in my life.

Everything I am earning comes from you and the commissions I make.

I created Every Day about 10 years ago and unfortunately I haven't been able to publish it yet because I can't get noticed by the Italian publishing houses. Some of you know that I have been struggling with eye disease for years and it has slowed my productivity.

Maybe if I hadn't had any health problems Every Day would have come out sooner. I cannot know this.

Thank you very much for your love and support.

Unfortunately I am having some timing difficulties and as you have noticed also on patreon I am putting few things. Yesterday I went to an eye examination which lasted two hours.

It will be difficult weeks because I will soon be going to Aosta. I often move between two Italian cities (Aosta and Rome) and unfortunately it will be impossible for me to work for at least a week.

I apologize to everyone if there will be less content. Thank you all.



I hope things get better for you, that you get Every Day published one day and that we are there to continue supporting you.


I have no problems waiting, because I know it will all be worth it in the end!! Until that day, we will all continue to support you ❤️


Non ti preoccupare, prenditi i tuoi tempi. Prima o poi avrei voglia di proporti una commissione, se così vogliamo chiamarla, quando avrai un po' di tempo e voglia. Per everyday è proprio un peccato, come può essere che assolutamente nessuna casa editrice ti abbia ascoltato? Un pensiero su tatai lab ce lo farei, erano presenti anche a Lucca e ho svaligiato il loro stand, secondo me vale la pena tentare. Scusa se mi sono permesso 😅. Forza che sei grande 💪


Take all the time you need. You make great content, and you don't need a publishing house to tell you that. Wishing for the best for you and yours <3


Have you ever considered trying to self-publish your work? Host a web page and post your comic there?


Mi farebbe piacere e sarei curioso di sapere che tipo di commissione hai in mente. 😁👀 Non lo so perché non ci riesco 🥲 credo di aver raggiunto un buon livello e la storia che ho in mente mi sembra intrigante e piena di avventura. Dovrò sforzarmi di più. Hai fatto bene a nominarmi questa casa editrice, perché non la conosco e mi conviene dare un'occhiata.


Thanks friend. I am looking for the publishing house because I would like Every Day to expand. I'll do my best 💪🏻