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I've been working on patreon for a while now, about three years of fetish content, I think.


I'm quite satisfied but not too satisfied.

I thought that over time I would be able to grow more and more, to get new subscribers, instead, although the numbers are not low, I always fluctuate between 90 and 120 patreons.

There was a period when I even reached 130 or 140 subscribers.

Instead, I have been in this stalemate for many months now.

I am trying as hard as I can with new characters, scenarios and ideas but I just can't seem to attract more users.

How do you guys see it as patreons? Do you think I am missing something? Or maybe I just need to be patient and wait? I would like to grow but I don't know how to do it anymore right now. XD


Joseph Dixon

I think you're doing everything right, I just think with our economic situation we can't always afford to get things we want, even supporting our favorite artists!


You are right, but in fact I have no doubt about all of you. I was just wondering why I am not attracting new supporters.


“I’m quite satisfied but not too satisfied.” I think this isn’t a bad mindset to have even if you were at the top, shoot for the moon I always say! But to answer your question, I believe the unfortunate answer is that it’s up to luck. Even if you made the best content we can only hope that it reaches the right people, people who are interested in what you’re selling and not only that but people who also afford it. Sometimes people also pay every 2 or three months because it’s cheaper to let the artist backlog increase. I often do this myself. But this is just a theory, otherwise I truly I have no clue as well but say be patient. Also, personally I don’t think you are missing anything. In terms of quantity of content I think you work faster then any artist I can think of. in terms of variety you offer so much. And in terms of quality, well, thats a subjective topic but I myself am very satisfied with what I see.


I don't think I'm at the top but I thank you. X3 I believe that an artist should never stop. I guess there is no real finish line for those in this profession. Maybe it is as you say. Maybe I need a little luck. By now, however, I think I have a steady group of supporters who are passionate about what I do, but it just makes me sad that I haven't been able to find new patreons as well. I thank you for everything you said in the final part of your message.