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Shouts to Soul for helping me with this. This is our second meeting but the first one was going over Hangul and other smaller things. Here are the videos I used to help me learn some Hangul a bit ago. 

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE4eplsFSms&pp=ygUMbGVhcm4gaGFuZ3Vs

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85qJXvyFrIc&pp=ygUMbGVhcm4gaGFuZ3Vs

We did have some technical difficulties in the beginning but it worked out in the end. I hope y'all can enjoy this, maybe this is too beginner for most of you but I'll catch up soon. 

Gotta catch up on my notes for this but in the meantime, does anyone have any supplemental resources to share on this topic? 



It's sad but outside of hangul a couple of times I can't say I've ever made a true effort to learn Korean or Japanese which are the main non-english speaking cultures I've interacted with. I did find a Korean alphabet make easy book for like $1 the other day and I brought it into my house hoping that it will encourage me maybe that along with these will get me somewhere I didn't do too bad out in Korea with basic stuff but certainly would love to be more fluent.


Yo I'm taking korean 2 currently at my university!! Korean grammar goes crazy with all them conjugations and tenses.... GOOD LUCK!!!


yo!! thank you, same to you. i wish i could actually learn in a school setting, i think it would help a lot too. soul is gonna get me right though, i'm going to try to do studying outside on my own too