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These episodes have been posted in a row but I came to the new page because I couldnt wait till my sub ended on the other page to watch more lol but no chief ji plan was for the two dudes to follow eun yu and get rid of her I suppose, the soldiers were just doing their job and the loud explosion caused more monsters to come to area the monsters just happen to look similar to the eun yu ones, I’m guessing they were construction workers or something just from my assumption of the rock like monsters and metal but maybe they are just evolving or there’s new types but maybe you realized that after, commenting as I watch but I don’t think the leader or platoon want to kill all monsters anymore as in the last episode they started classifying monsters that were not a threat they used the c4 as a way to distract with a bigger noise and kill the threat ones and protect the people. The doctor was seen at the end walking with soldiers who saved him in the tunnel episode, eun yu was following the girl dragging the dead guy, the girl likes park she was upset as if she was actually dating him lol she said it in the last episode, again I’m assuming you figured all that out later. I’m also thinking they didn’t explain why monsters were like dormant other than the explosion, I’d assume by now not all monsters want to attack and the people just want to live, idk I could be over thinking as much as you are lol