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Such hype, such great ratings, must be excellent? :o



love this show


Okay I'm catching up super late but I really enjoyed that! Someone mentioned below how it's flipping some traditional gender roles and I totally see that because if this was a drama released a few years ago they would definitely be playing the opposite character. I didn't know anything about this but with the title queen of tears I did think it was going to be way more serious and sad in nature and I'm pretty happy it's not. This is giving me the sense that it will have a similar tone to things like crash landing on you and Vincenzo in it's humorous parts. Even the portion where he was drinking with his friend I was dying because from the thumbnail I thought that was going to be some heart-wrenching melodramatic moment and this guy is just bawling that he's so cute. I definitely feel like they did actually fall in love 3 years ago and things just didn't progress like either of them thought. I don't know how many flashbacks we are going to get but one thing that stands out to me is her personality was already kind of bad when they met. She was an intern but was behaving badly and stood her ground even when he called her on it and her personality seems the same even at their wedding so I'm kind of curious as to how they really fell in love and how different was she because right now it seems like he knew who he was marrying so what changed? Maybe he just really thought she would stand up for him in front of her family and he didn't so he got disillusioned? Although I am still confused about where we are going I think this episode set the tone and I understand kind of what to expect next I feel like there's going to be a lot of (frustrating) miscommunications between our main couple as to why their marriage went downhill and they already set up a lot of characters who could be scheming to separate them for their own reasons so I'm expecting it to be both fun, frustrating and emotional will definitely continue this one with you.


PS I'm also expecting this to be a drama where there is tons of FA-SHUN and flashy scenes