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X2 Playback speed makes an easy listen! 



Yes, it makes. I'm glad you said this and your happiness is all that matters.


4:20 - pardon the glazing, but just wanted to let you know from a newer supporter's perspective that the reason you stuck out to me as a react content creator was because you actually give insightful comments instead of sitting thru a video with weak commentary thats not really saying anything. you are truly a fan of these groups/idols deeper than a surface level which makes the reactions more genuine and relatable to us. i say all this to make a point that i hardly ever sub to anyone but the quality content you put out and how you interact with your community makes it well worth it tbh. ps. finna crush this uncrustable for you big dawg 🫡💯


i hope u don’t push yourself too much to react to every single request! feel free to watch what you enjoy! i personally don’t tune in to a lot of stuff you watch bc i’m hella busy but i still try to like and try to comment when i can watch ur content! i like the positivity that you always bring and how funny you are! and always feel free to speak ur mind on your issues bc im sure you have many supporters like me who are happy to listen and give feedback! i hope you feel better ant 🫠🫶


Oh man it’s sad when something you enjoy becomes really stressful. For me I really enjoy your reactions because of how detailed your commentary is. Sometimes I enjoy the video even more than when I watched it by myself. Hopefully things get better!


i had a whole thing typed out, but i deleted it. because i think i've yapped enough lmao. so...all i'm going to say is: outside of here, i do not engage much with any other reactors. you & this community you've built are actually special to me. and i know that i'm not the only one who feels that way. i think there are a lot of us here for YOU. 🫶 i hope you start feeling better !!


i joined your patreon for kdramas mostly bc i tend to like gg’s more when it comes to kpop but i actually enjoy watching an array of videos from you. your sacrifices and time you put into content is evident & although im not the most frequent commenter i hope you know there’s a lot of us like me who like to check out things w you bc you’re a genuinely nice, real and fun person to watch :) your health matters the most pls take more time for yourself & don’t feel pressured to pump out videos of things you don’t fully enjoy. i hope things get better soon anthony🩷


I listen to these like podcasts 😂 but in all seriousness I’m really glad you’re prioritizing yourself and communicating your headspace. it makes me happy to see how you grow and change overtime whether through content or yourself as a person. like I said before, you’re more than the content you react to. and given the nature of the kpop reaction space and it’s viewers, that may not always be acknowledged since most fans just wanna see other ppl appreciate their favs. it’s definitely tough and I do feel for reactors when it comes to the never ending demand of content. there’s really no right or wrong way to go about it, I think it’s mainly abt finding what works for you. which is why I also don’t mind all of the trial and error, feedback, and update posts bc it’s part of the journey ! I’m yapping now too but u get it. wishing you the best always !!


one last yap: I wanted to add that you prioritizing the content that you wanna put out or react to instead of what’s popular or what most ppl are requesting also comes with many positive outcomes and I’m all for it. like I remember I watched you and Paul react to mcnd way back when and if not for your video, I wouldn’t have gotten into them. and now that I’m rlly thinking abt it, a lot of ur videos got me into new groups/artists


Makes perfect sense i said it on twitch and ill say it again, do exactly what makes you happy because at the end of the day this is your platform and you shouldn’t feel like it’s a burden to be doing what you love!!! 💗


You are by far my favorite reactor in the kpop/kdrama/anime sphere, and i hope you find your happiness in what you do!! You have introduced me to so many new groups, shows, etc. I also hope to get better at engaging with content bc I am notoriously bad lol. thank you for sharing these thoughts with us!!


whatever you decide we'll be rolling w the flow 😎. you're one of my fav reactors bc I like that you actually have a genuine interest into the music/shows/ etc. it's cool to hear your insights on vids and fun to watch dramas w y'all! tbh im not always active and sometimes I'll dip for a min and rejoin 🫣 BUT, I do enjoy your content and hope you find what works for you !

Daniela V.

100% feel you about not getting much of a response when you give your opinions. I feel like in certain spaces with other YouTubers I tend to stop commenting because i don't get any sort of reply and so it feels like I am just yelling into a void by myself and it starts getting depressing. Maybe you can encourage comments by asking people to leave 1 comment and 1 reply to another person or start a community goal to have zero comments without replies, it could be fun! Genuine question, do praising comments make you uncomfortable sometimes? I feel like I see you reply to comments on these videos less than normal videos and I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I do genuinely hope you know that we are here for YOU and we really appreciate YOU as a person though. You'll find your way my dude


Your openness and transparency are always appreciated. It's great to know you're prioritizing your needs, happiness, and wellness, as they are most important. I'm very grateful for your channels and the content you've produced, I've discovered great artists and music through your reactions. Remember to put yourself first; those who value you will stay.


I been with you for a while, it started for kdramas but I try and watch everything. I like everything I watch but comment on occasion. I've always been a the type of silent watcher. Lol! I reason why I stay is because I genuinely enjoy whatever content you make, your comments, opinions, and variety. You can't make everyone happy. It might be hard, but setting boundaries for yourself and doing the best you can do, could be helpful. If taking a step back for a few days is what you need to do, you should do it. The people who enjoy your content will not leave


do what makes you happy ant! most of us are here cause we like your commentary & personality. and the tight community you've created. do what makes you happy with this patreon and your youtube, that'll always be the priority!

Caroline esho

I completely understand what you're saying. I literally joined your patreon and subscribed to your YouTube years ago and stayed cause I loved hearing about your opinions and that you were open to communicate and try new things while still showing the things that you enjoy and love like for ex. Fashion and anime (still do of cource). I may sometimes be a silent watcher but I try to comment and like on things and videos to show what i agree/disagree with or just to communicate. I may some times not watch videos cause I'm busy but I'll always binge watch everything as soon as i find the time cause i really do enjoy watching these things with you. And I'm happy that you're sharing this with us. Your happiness is the most important thing 🫶


I won't Yap too much but I'm really going forward with the advice of "if you build it, they will come" I do follow a couple people who seem to have built the type of community that you're talking about who are just interested in the various things that they are interested in and when I look back that seems to be how they cultivated it they just posted the things that were interested to them (and probably advertised it in some way so that people know) and people with those shared interests show up to find the content instead of you having to try to cater the content to them first. I'll be here either way but I really hope that creates a more enjoyable balance for you the only thing I would ever hate to see would be for you to have to stop enjoying or doing content.


I don't take compliments well, and I also feel like I generally have imposter syndrome so when people say like hey I actually do like the vids, I'm like "naahhhhh, no way". Either way, I only respond to them less because I typically post the vid/text post and don't look at it again because I'm kinda anticipating bad responses to it. Your first paragraph is exactly the same for me as the creator, I don't want to be lost in the void and talk alone, I might as well shut off the lights and watch alone. I don't care if people send long messages or theories or anything, I genuinely read them all, and if I don't, usually others do and all that does is really help us build community engagement. It makes others want to join in on our growing community too. I will certainly look into the encouraging a comment as well a bit more, I just don't like repeating the same things every video and stuff lol.


True! Boundaries and standing up for myself is okay, I will try to do that! I hope I don't come off a way for saying everyone here should watch everything, that's not realistic. I do however, like the idea of as many people possible being open to everything and as many of us watching stuff together as possible across the categories. I do appreciate the silent viewers too, a lot of people are, I just wish y'all felt comfortable enough here to interact and for that I feel like I am supposed to create that environment for us.


Okay, I'll speak for me on this. When I think about commenting on something, what I want to say is already there because I watch things at least 3 to 4 days late. 😂 I personally don't like repeating, so I just like whoever comment. But you don't come off with the "we should be watching everything" type of tone. That would be wild😂. The enrivonment for interaction is there, just people who being assholes, for the lack of better words, are louder.


hi hiii just got a chance to watch this! definitely continue to do whatever you want to, i’m very happy and grateful whenever you do check out things we recommend but pls don’t feel pressured to do so just to make us happy. i’m pretty sure you’re the only youtuber and patreon subscription i’ve kept up with the longest because i genuinely enjoy your content. your thoughts on music, insight on fashion, theories about kdramas, personality and general commentary are what have kept me following you for so long! you’re super funny too so i always have a great time watching lol!! plus even when you watch content on twitch that i wasn’t planning on watching myself or just haven’t gotten around to yet, i tend to stay and just listen in to your thoughts on what’s happening 😂 the most enjoyable aspect of this is that it’s YOU watching and a nice bonus is that you actually interact with us on here. even shows or variety content that weren’t on my radar become interesting to me since you end up checking it out. i try to like and comment on whatever i do watch but i definitely don’t mind you posting 60 tmap videos in a row if that’s what you wanted lol. since you’re open to trying new things, i’m sure eventually you’ll have a community who’s up to engage with anything you want to engage with so just do what you love and the rest will be sure to follow! ima stop now since this msg long af but hope you’ll feel better soon bc you deserve to be genuinely happy and not just doing things bc others are pushing it onto you or that you feel you NEED to do certain content to keep the masses happy🫶🏽 edit: i clearly don’t know what stop means.. anyways us viewers can always find other people to fill a certain niche (like i assume you won’t be posting baking videos anytime soon so i wouldn’t go to your channel for that) BUT your community can always change and grow in different ways so hopefully by doing all the things you love and want to do, you can find those that stick with you for anything 💖 TLDR - do what you love! the real ones will stick around 🫡


Thank you jam, I agree. I will shape this to what I think represents me best, and hopefully others can pull up and rock with the same if we're on the same wavelength. 30 tmap videos are definitely the type of time I am trying to be on. No contracts being signed, no expectations of others needed to be fulfilled, just make myself happy and hopefully more of that will also make others happy too


I actually just subbed (Im from your old patreon) and I never watch your Kpop content because I rarely listen to Kpop. I'm into Korean rock and it seems people don't care about that music at all even though it sounds more authentic and has less issues with plagiarism of black western artists. I only watch your kdrama content so if you don't want to do that anymore I would support it and just not sub or I would look into your other content. If you do other stuff like personal life videos (or like gameplays or something idk) I would enjoy that as well