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Sheeeesh~! Rohbin... I dunno man




didn’t get to catch the stream for this ep, so there’s some things i would have commented on: yes, that’s most likely diabetes. yes, he’s the former police officer that jang nangam is after because he’s the one that put his father in his current state. (these are not spoilers btw.) the little flashbacks (or daydreams?) of tang’s (the girls) are his failed attempts at relationships. wether they were real or not, idk. a little fyi, “roh bin” is actually written with the “n” consonant ㄴ. his last name is “noh” (노; not 로/“roh”) - stupid romanization history and similar sounding “r” and “n” pronunciation in korean is giving us the possibility to name this character “roh bin” or “robin”. 😉 ah! the gang that roh bin brought to the club work for the company of the grandfather of the girl that old police officer killed (on the rooftop, earlier in the ep) and they used roh bin to get that old guy and ditched him at the location because they didn’t trust that his guy (tang) would handle the job. so they basically just wanted to get the job done themselves. sorry, i hope this makes sense. 🙃