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You Patreon lovelies do deserve a bit of a sneak peek. The Instagram folks get it for free! And that just doesn’t seem fair.

The next post is going to involve literally outgrowing my very favorite T-shirt; a narrative that dwells on the idea of nostalgia. Those of you who have been around for a while will know the shirt I’m talking about. Let’s just say it’s something to do with a space age meatball.

Ah, fukkit. Here’s the pic the IG folk’ll see. Speaking of sneak peeks. (And I don’t care that I look like crap: I had a sinus infection, was a little hungover, and I whacked the SHIT outta my arm. The things I do for love!)

The next-next one also travels in that vein of nostalgia. I’ve been working on it for a month, and to be honest, no surprise here, I’ve been taking my sweet-ass time on it. It’s one that I’ve allowed myself to get a little artsy with… In short, I’ve been designing my own set of Magic: The Gathering cards. My very own little collectors edition. A few of them are done, and are ready to show… But I’m not gonna ruin that yet. I’m really excited for you to see them, though. I’ve been working with some cool artists, have been finagling some graphic design of my own, and it’s a big, long, long, long essay. (With the fun illustrations.) So I really hope you get a kick out of that. I’m having a blast with it.

The other is about losing a bet... I mentioned that in the Instagram post... I was at a shindig, and… Do you member(berry) that episode of South Park where Kyle had to suck Cartman‘s balls if Cartman could prove that leprechauns exist? I was really certain about this bet. I was really, really certain about this bet. Just like Kyle.

Anyway, I lost. I didn’t have to suck anybody’s balls, but I did have to strut around the entire fucking evening wearing a C cup bra. Not comfy. But a Beck always pays her debts.

Otherwise, I have moved! Again! (I sort of alluded to that in the previous posts… But it’s actually much more of a permanent thing now, which is doing wonders for my mental health.)

God, wait until you guys see this place. I’m gonna take you on a bit of a tour at some point. I really promise that I will. It’s grand, in a very humble way.

And, it’s in a fantastic city, which, come to think of it, is the type of place that I actually haven’t lived in for a long time. You know? One of those places that has buildings? And people? Various entities that offer goods and services in exchange for capital? Culture? Food? I forget what those things are.

And, yes. This picture above? That’s my pool. I get a pool! Like, I actually get my own little pool for a while. I’m kind of flipping my shit.

Yes, at some point in the not too distant future, there will be a picture of me in the pool.

And, yes, fine. I might be wearing some sort of outfit. Or maybe… I don’t know. Maybe I’ll figure out a time when the guy next-door isn’t fiddling with the water tank on his roof. I don’t know why he’s up there so much. It IS the only place where you can get a view into the backyard.

Maybe he’s just a fan. But he’s a little older, and I don’t want to give anybody a heart attack. Insert joke about plumbing issues here.

Love you guys. Talk at you real soon.



Peter Wicks

I hope the new move works out for you


After 3 days i saw what incredible beautifull smile you have on your face 🤣🤣🤣