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"We Are The Same, You And I! We Are Two Odd, Lonely Children, Reaching For Eternity."

— Tom Hanks as Col. Parker in Elvis (2022)

I’m not gonna say that Astrid is ALL my doing… I mean, I’m not gonna take CREDIT for it, or anything…

Even though I’m a damned genius…

🤣🤣🤣 Nah, I’m just being a big schmuchk. Honestly, couldnt be prouder. ☺️

She did ALL the work; it’s not easy to make a name as a Big Boob Lady on Internet who ALSO wants to share her soul a little. It’s a liberating stroll, that: though the path is strewn with landmines. A lot of lovely people, you meet. Also teaches you that, as the oracle once said, “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.

And then, the people, the majority, in the middle, who go along with the lovelies. I do love you guys.

I remember hitting 100K. (From the old IG that got shot.) I’m not a follower whore, as you know, but it IS just odd… To know that you’re gonna share a part of your life, and that there’s the possibility that a population the size of South Bend, Indiana is gonna read it. It takes… guts.

But this isn’t about me.

I just cracked open her shell a little; she made it happen. And because of a lot of you (or, people just like you), she’s better for it. I just talked to her. She’s as giddy as a schoolgirl. It affirms… something.

In THAT regard! I must admit that I would like my not-inconsiderable ego to speak for a second…:

In short, today, Astrid is this:

And I will gladly consider myself to be…

Rock and Roll, Cihica. 😘




You should both be proud of what you’ve accomplished!!! Very few people are that comfortable to become social media sensations on such a scale! ❤️


You have given the world insight to your person. As several of us have commented, we came for the bewbs, we stayed for the writing. Astrid has taken up the mantle, and we, the lucky subscribers, can now see there is so much more to you both than B.I.G.’s. Well done, and thank you.