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***The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. This post does not constitute, insinuate or recommend an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of exchange, monetary or otherwise, services that are sexual or pornographic in nature.***


Part 3 is here.

[Ed. Note: I’m breaking this Itinerary into two parts. As you very-well know, I tend to ramble, and dangle commas for far longer than it might otherwise take to allow perfection to become the enemy of the perfectly fine. Also, just wanted to make sure I didn’t forget anything! Plus, I really wanted to get something into your inboxes before the stroke of midnight Pacific time, when the pumpkins reset themselves. As the great Justin once said, “It’s Gonna Be May!” The rest will be published in quick succession. Be titillated, homies. – H]


I skipped ahead to the file marked “identification.” I won’t/can’t go into too much here, but suffice it to say, I have a background as a journalist and researcher, and know how to cross-reference my source material. In short, this included the website for the company he works for, different articles from reputable sources about his accomplishments and accolades, and personally identifiable inclusions like telephone numbers and email addresses that all link back to the guy. In short, he is who he says he is. OK, then.

Double click, on the doc marked “Itinerary.” For me, this was the money file, so to speak, the one that (for reasons you absolutely know by now) piqued my interest the most.


I hope you enjoy reviewing this itinerary for your trip to Dubai. Everything I recommend here is only a suggestion. So my apologies in advance if I sound like I am saying “this is what has to happen.” I welcome any alterations, and as I said before, all is within your comfort level, for plans, ideas, wardrobe, strange activities, etc.

Wardrobe, huh. Oh, boy. This fella thinks that I have more than 5 outfits. And don't think that "strange activities" was a phrase that got by without notice. 

Got a little verklempt at this point. Was this all just happening too fast? What the hell am I even considering? Do I… there are so many euphemisms. But do I even want to be an escort? Call girl? High-end hooker? I assume quite high-end, indeed, but still! The road to hell, as they say, is paved with good intentions. And even the most placid of waters can contain a riptide. No offense to any sex worker, but… do I want to be one? OK. Let’s hear the guy out.

Day 1, March 11 — Departure

I believe you are located in Western Europe. I have made that flight many times, and 8 hours going east can be horrendous for the body clock. With that in mind, it is fine if you fly in on the evening of the 11th. I will unfortunately not be able to meet you that evening, but your suite will be available. Plus, more time to freshen up, sleep, more time to “see the sights,” etc. I do not wish to presume your schedule, but for the purposes of this itinerary, I will take the liberty of assuming your arrival time will be later afternoon, UTC +4.

Huh. Truth be told, I had a rough idea of where Dubai is located, but I hadn’t Google-mapped it yet. Sure enough, eek — 8 hours, more or less. Yeah. Anything more than 4, and I think the majority of us will get their body clock a little messed up, and I think going east is supposed to be a little more draining. Plus, plane sleep is not real sleep, even if you are in a first class seat. Heck — I ain’t got nothing to do!

Upon your arrival at your suite, you will discover a selection of sundry items. Your expense card will cover anything you might need outside the hotel. Within the hotel, anything you would like will be credited to the room, a cost that I will absorb. (Though if you decide to fill the bathtub with Louis XIII, we might have to talk about splitting that cost!)

To Google… Oh, OK. It’s a Cognac that runs about four grand a bottle. Oh, how very tacky of him to insert such a caveat — I suppose everyone has their limits. But, I jest. I’m much more of a Cabernet-and-Club-Sandwich kinda gal, rather than a Caviar and Chateau Latour ’75 kinda gal anyhow.

I wondered what “sundries” means. I mean, I know the definition, sure. But I travel with a pretty standard kit of things that can honestly be acquired at most mid-level supermarkets. But, since he brought up booze? At least, I was sure, there’s gonna be a bottle or two of wine waiting for me at check-in.

(**My apologies if you just recoiled from your screen with fear. This is just the face I make when I think about wine. Moving on.**)

Day 2, March 12

As I’ve mentioned before, your time would be your time to spend as you see fit. I’m sure Google is a much better resource than I might be, but I’ve taken the liberty of listing out some points of interest. As far as transportation is concerned, many of the companies that provide security accompaniment also serve as drivers. You’ll find information for companies I can recommend in a separate file. Any transportation you might need during your stay will be something I’ll be happy to provide, and can be on-call 24/7.

Oh, that’s a pleasant perk! Off the top of my head, the Museum of the Future just opened recently, and looks freaking amazing. Also, I think the largest dive-able swimming pool in the world opened recently, too, and it looks crazy. (Not sure how many of you know this, but I am actually an Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver. It’s been ages since I’ve strapped a tank to my back — long enough so I haven’t had much of an opportunity to test how buoyant I am — but it’s something I really enjoy. It’s a dying hobby, just because it takes a bit of time and some money to get certified. Check around: there aren’t as many operations these days that offer the necessary coursework to get your creds. I guess it’s one of those pursuits that has been fading out of vogue since the 90s or so. But! I still got my PADI and my NAUI cards, lying around somewhere.

(A note on buoyancy — when you dive, it’s not uncommon to wear a weight belt. Basically, fat weighs less than water, so if you have a few extra pounds on you, the weights compensate. In my case, if you have a bunch of extra pounds on you, and all in one place, it gets a little tricky. So I stash a few extra pounds strapped under my boobs. Downside of the girls, is that I’m kinda limited to shallow water in warm climates — they do NOT make neoprene wetsuits shaped for me. Still, there are plenty of lovely places where you can be perfectly cozy on a dive in nothing more than bikini bottoms and a T-shirt. Hit me up if you need any recommendations on Heather’s Favorite Dive Spots!)

I have a feeling I’ll talk more about tourist attractions later. And, I’m pretty sure I’m burying the lede here. So, back on track.

As for the evening, I think it might be fun to introduce ourselves to each other in a fun place. I was thinking of Atmosphere. It’s on the 122nd floor, making it the highest-elevation restaurant in the world. I know it’s somewhat a “novelty,” and usually places like this are “all about the view” (I sound like a Zagat book!), but the food is actually quite good, and that view never does get old. So, I would like to meet there at 7:30. And afterwards, if you would like, it might be fun to stop back at my place for a drink. I would love to show you around.

I can see what he’s going for. He mentioned in one of his first communications that nights would never be longer than two hours. But, really, isn’t that just… a little too short an amount of time? If there was any noticeable red flag for me, early on, that time frame just settled a little strangely — the last thing I really want is for someone to basically (no matter how much they’re paying — good God, I already sound like a call girl!) pay by the hour. “Yeah, babe, I’m a busy guy, so all I want is to get my rocks off fiddling around with your tits for a second while I pretend to get to know you.” So, I have no aversion to a night lasting longer than that. I’d prefer it, honestly, especially since I’m gonna be traveling all this way. Again, I really did just appreciate the “ball is in my court” treatment he was using, and I can see why he set some rules earlier on. This (along with meeting like it’s an actual date, and not just a rendezvous at the apotheosis of a roadside hotel) was the first indication that he had been working from a starting point, and that realism was pleasantly settling in.

It is at this point that I would like to propose something. I have a tailor’s shop I work with during my times in Dubai, and they are exceptional at making customized clothing, especially capable for a female clientele with unique proportions. You are obviously a woman of some lovely taste, but I am certain that visiting a new part of the world… It would be very fun to provide a wardrobe for you with some options during your stay. As long as you don’t mind if an extra suitcase were included for the return trip!

Hey! New clothes! Fringe benefits! I’m sure a lot of you have heard my gripes about procuring a good seamstress — it’s a necessity for a person such as myself, who usually relegates her to options that are as “off-the-shelf” as possible. God bless the person who invented T shirts and stretchy fabrics.

If you would not mind, providing me with your measurements will be all that is necessary to ensure that your wardrobe is stocked upon your arrival. I have attached a form.

For this evening, I would appreciate it if you were to choose from the following selection. All three will be made in advance of your arrival and will be waiting for you, so no rush to pick which you would prefer. (The end product will, of course, be an approximation, pending the whims of the tailor, but I can assure their quality).

Huh. I have a piece of paper with my measurements on it, for sure. Most women tend to get by with some pretty standard centimeters and inches. Shoulder width, inseam, arm length, bust, waist, hips, thighs, etc. When I’ve had clothing made, I usually have to include a few extra numbers. I cracked open the form he mentioned.

Lo, and behold. He’s done this before. A few extra fields: Collarbone to start of cleavage; shoulder to widest point of breast; shoulder to bottom of breast; circumference of each breast; circumference of body at widest point; underboob to bottom of breast; diameter of aerola — all with bra, and without bra. You get the idea. Stuff that I never had to consider in the ol’ C cup days.

And then, a collage.

I was detecting a bit of a theme here. I mean, don't get me wrong — I know the quality of my character, but I'm sure that my invitation to Dubai wasn't due alone to my razor-sharp, Dorothy Parker-esque wit. I'm more of a... worldly accompaniment, in this case for sure. I know that, and I'm okay with that — in the earlier days, when I was still figuring out this whole "having huge boobs" thing, I will confess that there were instances when I considered myself as more of a "system of life support for giant tits." "Chaperon," then, is a gentle-yet-substantial upgrade. 

The red was a fine touch. I wondered who the women were. Maaaybe the same one? Someone he had been with before? The hair looked similar enough. Otherwise, I like red. And while each of these three options certainly displays more skin that I'm accustomed to... None of them come off as garish street-side floozy. 

Pros and cons for each: A would be a cinch to fall out of unless I had a roll of that tape you can get; B is Vavoom Station, located on Hubba-Hubba Street in Cleavagetown; C is a little more subtle, but don't think you got away without me noticing that peek-a-boo sideboob hole. One thing was for sure — the bra would likely have stay in my bag for at least two of these little numbers. Hope he likes the trademark below-the-belly-button hang. (But, I got the feeling that he was planning on it.)

Although... I could certainly see each of them hanging in the closet for a while. A gal never knows when she's gonna need a statement piece on-the-ready at some point. Not that having these two statement pieces doesn't already fill in some gaps. 

I polished my glasses off on my shirt, and dived into what sorts of ideas he had in mind for the next three nights.

To be continued, toot-sweet.




Amazing well done pretty lady 😍🔥


You are so beautiful. (sigh)