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Well, well. A murder most fowl. Buck-buck-buk-aw. 

What a terrible trist this was. Wherein some dames, with the best of intentions, found themselves in the midst of a post-war board game. 

And so the story goes, as we bat back and forth between our Patreon accounts. You'll find one half of this Study in Scarlett here; the other on the account of the lovely (if you don't know her by now, you should!) Astrid.

Especially if you want to see a very particularly referred-to letter by one Mz. Lucida Black.


Credit for the audio file to A. Mister Man, Who Does a Good Job at a Pretty OK Danny DeVito. 

Also, To the Model! The Glorious and always effervescent @3astrid33 on IG; here on Patreon. Tune in to her account, if you want to see the rest of this tale of mayhem, malcontent, and murder, as it unfolds. 

And, don't forget to pick you playing piece before the game begins. 

#conservatory? #candlestick? #whozzitgonnabe?




I used to enjoy adding in some of the Monopoly pieces to my Clue board game. It made it rather fun. Colonel Mustard, in the Library, with the Scotty Dog! 😁😁😁😁😁


I have a UK version of Monopoly, to which I added a small silver police box...