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[Update — Technical difficulties on the first attempt to upload? I think? Anyway, the audio wasn't working for some of you, so here's try No. 2. Apologies for the blargh! :-) As my grandmother used to say, "Oy, Gevultah!"]

There was a volunteer campaign that the New Zealand government did a little while back, where they asked Kiwis to re-design the flag of the great and glorious nation of New Zealand. A lot of people submitted. One of them was called "Fire The Lazar!" (Seen above as the cover for this post).

Following, is one of the greatest pieces of English-language sentence making I have ever seen, as submitted by the artist along with this masterpiece:

"The laser beam projects a powerful image of New Zealand. I believe my design is so powerful it does not need to be discussed," author James Gray said.

This has literally nothing to do with anything. But! That last sentence gets me. I think it applies to my overall description of this-here lightning round of silly questions that I have answered. Indeed. Verily. Sully forth.

I hope you all have had a good January. For me, it's been weird. But this was fun. I can't wait for you to see what I've got in store for the shortest month of the year. Idd gonnz be goodz. (See IG caption.)

And you know what? I'm opening this post up to everyone. I know some of y'all are hurting right now money-wise, and I can't tell you what your support means, so I want you to hear this, too. It's silly, stupid madness, which is what we all need right now. So, Belated Christmas gift.

Peach and lurb.




Fun fact about the New Zealand flag change, we never actually changed the flag. Mostly because nobody actually gave a dam to begin with. Either way it was a pretty great opportunity for people to create abit of humor out of the whole situation, and inevitably became abit of a national p*ss-take. This flag, shown above, was actually a pretty great example and I actually find it quite hilarious that it made it to this page. Gotta apreaciate the culture here haha


I want to tell you that you have a great speaking voice. You would probably great at audiobooks.