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That’s how many steps they say there are, but once you break about 150, you tend to lose count. And the last thing you want to do is start over, so you just take their word for it.

I actually am kinda weirded out by heights. I’m not going to freeze in place and be inconsolable; I just get that weird tickling shooting up through my body that makes me wanna step back from the edge. Less a phobia, more of a propensity for self preservation.

I see those memes of people who just casually sit on the edge of 1,000-foot-tall cliffs with a grin on their faces, not a care in the world. I’m convinced they are liars, awaiting their Darwin Awards, and that people like this did not exist before Insta. Tenzing himself would have said, “Woah, dude, that’s a little much.” Sir Edmund would have had his back.

But, heights are worth it from time to time. That view, though.




I always get craaaaazy vertigo when it comes to heights 😅 I can do it, but my knees get all wibbly-wobbly

Peter Wicks

Nice view and I get that feeling when I'm high up depending on what I am doing