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Or loooose yoooou... to a summer love...


Hope not. I’ve been on what the Enlightened call a Sabbatical (notice the cult-like use of capitalization!). Wheeee!!!

Those of you who keep close tabs can see the white space between the lines. Those of you who are new to the “Heather Crew” (A demonym I just made up, but that I’m sticking with) get an idea.

Tonight, I just am ACHING to hit the Publish button. I have precious, lovely things to get to. I’m sure you’ll hear about them, at some point. What a rarity, to be excited about what silliness lies in store before Sleep comes... (And Fuck... it’s already almost time for the the DayStar...)

If you’re up, and can’t sleep, or couldn’t, or wouldn’t, because you’re bewitched, bothered, and/or bewildered...

Here’s Heather’s list of stuff you might not know about! Pull out your Spotify, Boys!

Pink Martini — Anything they’ve done, but “Sympatique” is great.

San Antonio Rose, by Patsy MotherFuckin’ Cline.

Ella. The above quip. The Astrid cut (on her Patreon) is just so damned Hot. But that’s just me.

There’s a part of me that want’s to RickRoll you with another link.

Like, it’s taking everything I have not to.


We’re in a place.

Tell you what. There are Two links here. One is among my favorite songs. The other is you, getting RickRolled. Choose wisely.



But neither as good as Ella. Tune a piano to her voice, fuckin’ hell.

I love you guys. Can you believe that August is gone? It’s messing me up a little. Probably you too. But outside the walls, we’re all feeling it.

Strange dear, but true, dear. The people who got permission to just be a little meaner during the last coupla years, we notice them more. We’re humans, though, so we don’t notice the folks who have chosen kindness instead. Humans are weirdos, so when we get 100 great affirmations, we only remember the 1 shitty instance.

Times have changed.

These foolish things.

Also, this. If you need something on in the background, that you don’t need to think about, when next you have a lady visitor.




Pink Martini- que sera sera. This old chestnut has been a favorite of mine since forever. #cheers

