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Life keeps getting in the way. And I’ve got a bit to catch y’all up on, believe me, I know...

Suffice it to say, this has been a good night. The right mix of substances. A little rebelliousness. The kind of battery-recharging evening that clarifies.

It occurs to me that a few of you have been straggling along because a part of you is just a bit curious about me and Astrid. That’s her in this pic. She’s bee’s knees, gents.

This is an outtake. The rest of tonight’s content belongs to her, and you’ll see it on hers, I’m sure. In exchange for my Leibovitz-level photo skills, she’s promised that she’ll return the favor and do a shoot for me.

Dream a little dream, y’all. 🎼🎼 You’ll be the first to know. 😘




Peter Wicks

She seems normal


Dang, you're pretty!