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You know, it occurs to me that I haven’t really talked about Astrid yet.

Not sure if you’ve been keeping tabs on Instagram, but there were a few times where we hung out, and just did some silly Instagram story posts. Some drinking and cooking involved, too.

Anyway, she’s amazing. She’s @3astrid33 if you’re interested in checking her out. We met online late last year (common interests to say the least), and pretty much hit it off right away. Figured we actually lived kinda closeby, and even in the age of Covid, hang-out-able!

So, after many bottles of Rioja, we decided it would be outrageously fun if she took her own unique brand of insight to this fine site. I know I’d sign up, lol.

I’ve been helping her get started with her social media. She’s SUCH an amazing person, so funny, cute as all hell, and absolutely mystical — she does Tarot, horoscopes, a little ASMR... You all know me as a pretty science-minded girl, so maybe it’ll surprise you if I say there’s a therapeutic charm to getting a Tarot reading, especially from someone talented.

Not gonna lie, she does have a lovely voice, too, which is always fun to hear. ☺️ There’s a fresh one on her $6 tier, which I kinda peacefully fell asleep to the other night.

Anyway, she and I were texting about stories that we are both going to post on our Patreon. Just about hanging out together, and storytelling about some trouble that we got into. (Mind outta the gutter, ya goof.)

Just a screencap of a couple DMs that made me laugh out loud. And the rest of the story is being written now! (Not in a metaphorical way, but like, literally writing it.)

Oh, and this one, too. Just liked it; there’ll be more to share.

🎼if i was young and far away, would you doopidee doop the world someday...🎼




We're technically not in a room.

Peter Wicks

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