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I’m not a service member, so I’m not exactly sure how I might be able to get my hands on one of these (top image from Google). And I know this is the last thing most people tend to say about military issued attire… but my god that looks comfy! (A maternity flight suit that the Air Force started issuing last year? Cool for a bunch of reasons!)

Longtime readers will know that I invested in some maternity clothing somewhat recently. Namely, a particularly dynamite set of overalls.

To avoid any confusion: I’m not pregnant. But you can understand how the cut of such an outfit is kind of complementary to a shape that doesn’t so dis-resemble two pregnant bellies in front of me.

Sooo... not sure. But I think I could pull off the fighter-jet-chic look pretty decently. And, it would be nice to have a bulletproof outfit that’s ideal for some of them are rough-and-tumble activities in day-to-day life. I always welcome suggestions, especially if there are any USAF brats out there! 😜




The chair force really does have the best things

Michael Colby

there's this: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/12119100713788525626