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Sooo... This one might require a little bit of explanation. 

I've mentioned this before, but from time to time, my brain has wandered to... "What in the hell would have happened if I hadn't stopped growing?!" Thank goodness I did — While Natalia and Olga were a little tricky to manage at first, I can confidently say that I've gotten used to them, and aside from no shortage of odd stares and a never-ending battle with the Clothing Gods, I'm happen with 'em. They're a part of me.

Still, the brain does wander. The obvious answer, likely, would have been surgery (as much as many, many of you would probably recoil from the idea, but hey, think of it from my POV – a girl's gotta, ya' know, move. So in the real world? There's no way they would have gotten much bigger, let along magnitudes larger, as the illustration above would suggest. 

As for that image, (re-posting at the bottom of this post, in case you'd like a closer look). It was born during a conversation with an acquaintance who has a bit of expertise in the math and engineering ends of the STEM spectrum. I was telling him about this series of short stories I've been wanting to work on, but I told him that I was having a little trouble with the visual aspects.

Doubling back for a sec. The stories are basically like this: write a short story, and field it out to an illustrator who wants to adapt in into an image. Or, find myself with an image, and write a short story about it. The connecting thread: each pairing of pic and text would be a future, alternate reality version of Yours Truly... a vignette that tells the story of this version of Heather (big, epic thing, or just everyday activities), at some point in the alternate present, or future, same world we all live in; with the  important caveats that a) the boobs never stopped going nuts, and b) I kept them, and adapted my life to them (in whatever way that means). So, yeah. A fantasy element, to be sure, but fun to play with. More fun, still, to install those little story/image matchups into the Fiction section of this Patreon page. That's the idea, and I welcome any contributions or suggestions from you guys!

Anyway, this friend said that he could help with the visual aspects of things, that it would only take a few minutes to put together, and (being a bit of a fan of boobs himself — you know who you are — could draft me something that might help, whether for my own reference, or for the reference of any artists who would like to take a stab at collaborating on this little idea. Cool! Thanks, dude! He asked me a few questions, height, weight, what went down during the few years where I was growing, and then, off to the races. 

That being said, when I got this illustration back, I was kinda shocked. In a cool way, granted — there's some sweet detail here (I wasn't expecting a year-by-year thing, but I'll certainly take it!), and I appreciated the notes. Still, I had some questions for the stuff that wasn't explanatory. 

First... I'm gonna be 52 in 2036? Eep. But that is nobody's fault but the feckless jester that is time. 

Second... For reeeeeal? If I went unabated from, like, 2018-ish, for 18 more years, would I really look like that?! That's closer to Nadya in my "Girl in the High Tower" series than I would think possible. C'mon.

And he, rather matter of factly, was like, "Yeah." At the rate I was going, the sheer timeframe, skin stretching, gravity, relationship to my body... And for the size of 'em, the geometry works out fine. A little licensing taking place, of course. But nothing outside of the realm of the technically possible, at least if you're a fan of a story that at least tries to stick to some semblance of reality (even if, as I'm sure will happen, a Neil DeGrasse Tyson-esque breast fiend comes up with a "well, actually...").

No BE, super round, protrude-y adult-film-star boobs for me, ladies and gentlemen — I would end up with some serious teardrop hangers. 

Which, I mean, isn't a horrible look (says the girl who already has some serious teardrop hangers). I'm not sure I would know how to walk with breasts that size, LOL, but that's what imagination is for.

So! Thanks again, duder, for the valuable tool! (And for remembering that Olga will always beat her sister up a little). 

Aaaand, by the way. I already have met up with a few amazing artists who have told me that this sounds like a complete hoot! So fingers crossed, I'll be posting some of these little "Heather Through the Years" vignettes in the Fiction Tier of this Patreon in the near future. I'm looking forward to seeing the different aesthetics! I'm curious to see how one of my short stories has been adapted, and am looking forward to adapting my writing to an image! I'm looking forward to finally adding a little spice to the Fiction Tier. And I'm sure you are all  excited about this stuff as well...

... in addition to (not too unlike me, because, hey)... boobs. 




Serious question, Heather: Do your breasts float? You may be saying “Whaaa...?” What I mean is, have you ever been skinny-dipping or been in a hot tub? If you have, do your tiddies (see? I pay attention to your words!) float in water?