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There’s something about artists who specialize in erotica. Something sort of honest. My experience isn’t vast, but the folks who tend to reserve themselves, and their natural sexual urges, are the ones who tend to come across as… unpredictable. Inauthentic. Folks who get all of that libido out on the page, however? They generally tend to come across as a lot more chill in real life. At that point, what is there to hide? Reject Puritanism, be yourself, all that good stuff.

That’s just a random philosophy that I’ve had for a long time, and it applies to a lot of folks that I’ve met over the years. I was reminded of it during a brief interaction with an artist on Instagram who goes by the handle @ciderbaby ; he was kind enough to do an original piece of art based off of one of my personal favorite photos. If you’re a fan of his work above, definitely go give him a check out.

Bonus points, especially, to some of the creative liberties he took. The change of setting, reminiscent of a city bus. On which is sitting this woman with Terminator sunglasses and nipples (not to mention hooters!) that are decidedly more epic than my own. But, I dig it! There’s something sensual about it, while still being super fun. 🙂




As an 80s kid I can appreciate the filter/border you put on your photo. It reminds me of like a yearbook or some kind of comic ( know that probably sounds silly ). And obviously Terminator reference is awesome too. Maybe a future Sarah Conor cosplay is in order?


That photo of you is amazing! Would love to see more similar to this!