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So recently, when the wherewithal recently struck me to do basically a full, two-evening-straight photo shoot (results of that extravaganza are coming, as I become less and less picky about which ones don't make me look old/fat/weird, because believe it or not, I'm actually remarkably un-photogenic, and every picture y'all ever see means that about 50 were discarded, but it's my Patreon by-God, so I'll be as picky as I please, thank you very much. :-P ) (That was a long parenthetical... where was I? Oh yeah.)...

So recently, when the wherewithal recently struck me to do basically a full, two-evening-straight photo shoot, well, it was a process. The first couple of outfits were me just kind of getting into the mood. Some, I thought, were cool, but turned out kinda meh; some, the opposite, pleasant surprises. Throw in some wine, and then it was left to the imagination to figure out how to have at least a bit of fun with just about everything, which I did, even if it involved getting a little silly (which I have a feeling might make for a better image anyway?).

I think the above shot was at the very end of the first night. It was cold, I had a fire going, so I decided that I didn't need to really be fully clothed, per se, a little tipsy, while I played around with one idea that had been nagging at me all night: one of those old-timey, top-down, tasteful, fully covered in a thin cloth, but showing all the curves, semi-boudoir, "French-ish" kinds of things. 

Harder than it looks! I have a timer on the camera, so that's cool, but there's a LOT of styling that goes into making sure the cover is just right, and even then, you're not sure if you have it. Still... with this one, I THINK I got a taste of it. It's hardly perfect, but I gotta say, it makes me curious to see if I can take the idea that's ultimately in my head and capture it onto film/microchip. 

I'm thinking... white top sheet (maybe thinner so it's just the sliiiightest bit see-through?), white bottom sheet, too... legs poking out, arms, and somehow, miraculously, a come-hither look on my face, as opposed to one that's more-or-less... passed out? Bright lights, kinda pinup, but minimalistic and, well, me?

This might be one of those dream pics to get when I wrangle the guts to procure a real photographer, sometime in the post-Covid age. But in the meantime, what do you guys think? I feel like I'm typing all over the place with this, but do you know the kind of pic I'm talking about? If ya do, I'm always open to suggestions. Hit me up in the DM if, like, you happen to have "just the shot" on the forefront of your mind and have a link or something. :-)

But, yeah! In the meantime, the first in what could perhaps be an evolving series. 

It was nice to do a couple of nights of photos for the first time in... a while. I truly haven't touched my makeup in months and months. I'm not the most makeup-y person in the world, but you know. It's just nice to feel pretty sometimes, and to look at yourself in the mirror, and remind yourself that you still clean up pretty well. 

Happy almost New Year, by the way, y'all. :-)




You weren’t kidding. ( when you mentioned your statement about Tina Small )This image literally looks like one from her. The style and everything about it. I also appreciate you using your funding and book to get the good word out there as well.