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Granted, where the hell has 2020 gone. For so many reasons, this year can just sit down and consume the most giant buffet of dicks in the entire world. Just a whole buffet of dicks.

I think we are all trying to find new ways to keep busy, and stay sane. I don’t know about you guys, but so far, quarantine has caused me to go from being a lousy baker to a solidly mediocre one. I tried growing some plants from seed, but that experiment failed miserably. (Which is a bummer, because it was white rhino - some really primo kush.) I’ve bingewatched so many episodes of whatever TV show in a day, that I had dreams about it that night. Sleep is weird, speaking of which. I’ve been meditating a lot lately, which has actually been super duper helpful. I won’t recommended it too fervently, lest I sound like some snake-oil selling guru. But if you want to give it a shot some time, there are some perfectly fine YouTube videos.

Anyway, after being relatively quiet over the last month, I wanted to go ahead and close out October by doing something fun. Recently, I found a website called Vinted. Basically, it’s an online thrift store. And since I’m running low on clothes, and it’s not exactly like I live in some shopping Mecca, I thought I would give it a try.

I looked all over the website, and stumbled across some lots of clothing. Just big bunches of clothes at firesale prices. And, this one lot intrigued me.

It was basically, like, 25 articles of clothing. I think the total cost, with shipping, was somewhere around €35. All sorts of sizes, from large to 8XL. Shirts, blouses, scarves, jackets, you name it. There were a few pieces that I knew would work just fine for me, so if I can get even 25% of them to work, that’s still a pretty good deal. And the rest can go into the donate bin.

But before they do… I thought it might be kind of fun to experiment. even if I know, at first glance, that some article of clothing will be impossibly, preposterously small... What the hell. Got a try to stay optimistic somehow. Out of the bag (which was the size of a pony keg), and into the washing machine they went, on hot, because the last thing 2020 needs to give is a case of bedbugs.

So, walk along with me on this journey over the next few days, as we go on Heather’s Psychedelic Virtual Dressing Room Tour.




Bag of clothes sounds WAY better than a bag of dicks.


Yeah October does suck a bag of dicks