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Recently, I’ve taken up a little social experiment. Something fun, frivolous, and silly to while away the time, and provide a little joy.

Here’s how it goes. Basically, if one of my Patreon lovelies goes through the trouble of sending me an article of clothing, I will wear it, and I will take a picture. I have certain limits, of course. Used underwear is a little creepy, for instance. Used stuff goes straight to the washing machine, no offense, you’d do the same. But for the most part, anything within reason.

So, one of you dropped an old button-down in the mail, and it arrived. I knew right away there was going to be some trouble. It was a mens size large, I believe, which for non-stretchy fabrics, is basically an impossibility for me. But I’m a good sport, so what the heck.

The first few buttons were no problem. By the time I got about halfway down, all of the pulling and tugging and sucking-in in the world wouldn’t bring the button to the hole. And then... rrriiiiiipppp!

I made my way to the bathroom to check out my reflection in the mirror, each step causing an additional, much smaller rip-rip-rip-rip. Yep. It’s a goner.

I realized I should probably get the phone out straight away before this poor gingham shirt was completely torn to shreds. While it’s not necessarily the effect that was intended, I have a sneaking suspicion that y’all might actually prefer this one. Like Bob Ross said, “happy accidents.”




Incredible beauty and physique love your beautiful breast’s


perfect for sensual suckling