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Disclaimer: it does occur to me that I've been posting a bunch of illustrations on here lately. But when it rains it pours, and frankly, I've been flattered by the cool artistic folks who have volunteered to render me. It's just kinda fun, and is kind of a confidence booster — I think I can feel myself getting closer to the point where I'll feel comfortable sitting for an art class at some point (as a friend once recommended, and which at the time [in the not-too-distant past] seemed mortifying). It's a funny road we wander, and even more interesting to find the milestones look different than they used to. Context and perspective are powerful forces — almost as much so as unintended consequences and bacon. 

In other news, I've been working on some long-form writing work over the last few days, so to those of you who have been sticking around for the observations, I think you'll be in luck. I've taken the time to cook up some fun stuff, and there might even be a surprise or two. 

But first, back to this illustration. I posted this pic on Instagram, and they get froggy with their cropping. So, I thought I would post the whole thing in glorious high resolution here. Art courtesy of Michael Johnson Curry, @mikejcart on IG.

From what he tells me, he's about halfway through working on his own comic, which I can't wait to read — visual art is something I've never really had an ability for, so I like giving props when I can. If you like this piece, it's because of him. He's a cool guy and has a pretty varied style, so show him some love if it's convenient for ya'. 

So, tonight, I'm going to pour a glass or three, put myself into a place, and pound out the next chapter (I once talked to a writer who was worse at procrastinating than I am; he recommended a foot bath of 10% hydrochloric acid, and if you don't finish your work before a certain time, your feet melt off — seems like a good strategy to me). 

Stay tuned, dear reader.




Bacon truly is the most powerful force known to mankind. If you do try the HCl foot bath, keep some NaOH nearby. It will neutralise it into salt water. But is also pretty caustic by itself so measurement is required.


As a fellow fan of illustration, who's not blessed with the skills to make it themselves, I like that you share things like this. The fact it's helping your self confidence is a real positive. I also see the method in the peril of the hydrochloric foot bath. Life has also led me down a creative path, and this seems a more effective way of bringing urgency when your mind just wants to take you off to another project - or to watching funny videos on Facebook.