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So here's a poll about the institution of polls — a referendum on whether or not to have a referendum. First, I just want to see how this feature of the site works, 'cause it's kinda fun. Second, I have been trying to figure out a way for those of you who want a bit more interactivity on this site to have that. 

One idea I have is for a story (not the one I mentioned in the last post — something different, but I'd like to do that one, too). I'd like to get some fiction up here, and a number of you have expressed an interest in seeing some of my narrative work. 

Remember those "choose your adventure" books? I used to love those. Something would happen to the character, some conflict or obstacle in the plot, and at the bottom of the page, it would say, "If Heather should go into the haunted house to investigate that strange noise, turn to page 33; If Heather should say, 'Fuck that mess,' and binge watch Always Sunny over a pint of Ben & Jerry's, turn to page 40." Those ones.

I'd kind of like to experiment with that idea here, and maybe establish a tier level for those who would be interested. See how it works out.

But back to the original thought — polls. I still want to keep on posting the stuff that I am now, and I'm not going to be and asshole and pull the rug out by bumping up the $6 level, or changing the structure there. I really want that to stay the same. But I've got a bunch of half-finished life stories that I want to get out there, and having an idea of what you want to see next might be a better experience for everyone: maybe establishing a tier for those of you who are super-duper curious and letting you vote would be a way for those entries to make it onto the site more quickly.

You guys have already been super-generous, and I deeply appreciate it. I'm not being greedy; rather, this Patreon page has started to become a legit (and much needed!) income source for me, and the possibility exists to really be able to devote a lot more time to it (especially now that life has slowed down finally... I've been crunching on aspirin like tic-tacs lately). And that's why I want to do right by you guys, by offering a fun way for us all to play around with all of these wacky notions I have bumping around in my head — those of you who want to pitch in a few dollars more will get some interactive fun; those of you who prefer to stay at the $6 level will end up having a better experience, too, because there'll be more and different types of content for everybody. 

So, that's my brain dump. I really would like your input. Before I enter the options, I suppose I have to sum all of this into a question... 

What do you think: Should I keep the structure of this Patreon page exactly the same, or should I add a tier level or two to allow us to explore all these different ideas?



I started after the $12 tier was created, so i started there.


I'm at my own $75 tier and I LOVE IT.