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Final poll :)

Hope I haven't bothered you with so many polls 😂 but I want you to decide what are the next posts gonna be about

ps: btw have you read dbs manga recently?

ps2: if you chose another option, tell me in the comments so I can do a next poll in a few days

ps3: I'll do a new poll in 2 days, don't worry too much about the results :)



Most of these people got way to much of a hard on for kale caulifla and Kefla. Show the other characters love guys 🤣


Guys, please ! for the past few months, we've only had images with Kefla, kale and Caulifla ! For once, let's change a bit and choose Videl, Erasa and Angela

Fianso _Btw

We need more chirai pics


Please stop with Kale, Caulifla and Kefla for a bit. There are too many, we need more diversity at the level of the characters.


A hentai Muesli is a very good idea, there are not many with it. A hentai with Heaters sister Maki would be awesome too.


people already change characters they are always the same you have to have variety


21,18 & bulma plz🙏🏼🙇🏻


Isn't Kale, Caulifla & Kefla weird? She's doing herself defused! jk lol

Benjamin Noobular

Bulma chichi launch db! They don't get enough love


DB Bulma 😩😩


Kale, Caulifla and...Kefla? Wait what? How can that be possible?

Jay Stilson

Love Kale, Caulifla, and Kefla but I feel like that’s mostly what we get. Give us more of other characters 😁


Leave Kale and Caulifla out of it. So overhyped.


bulma, chichi and android 18


Android 18, helles and chirai. It wuold be something cool to see this character together.

Stefano Terrana

There are already enough drawings of the Saiyans of universe 6 and Z girls. It would be interesting to see other naked characters, like Muesli.

ViCtOoRzZ Gaming

It would be so fking cool something with cus marcarita and vados :(


Videl, Pan and Bullla from GT would be Immense. Maybe that MILF '18, Marron and GT Bulma?


Maybe something with Android 18 and both forms of Android 21.

Foxy fan (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 22:15:09 18, 21 & videl
2022-03-05 03:03:35 18, 21 & videl

18, 21 & videl


Since I can’t apparently respond to your reply, I would just like to say that I’m not the only one who has a bit of fatigue with Kale and Caulifla. They just don’t.. do it for me. I’ll always vote for Bulla and Marron.