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Wow now I'm really surprised of the most liked comment of my previous post, it was totally unexpected, I didn't even know that the scientist lady from Bio Broly movie had a name lol 😂😂😂😂

But this is what I love of polls and questions, the results are always unexpected :)

PS: Bio Broly was a bad idea, I watched the movie again, it ridiculizes Broly in all the movie lol

PS2: I'm gonna post a gif animation in the next hours :)




Bio Broly es la peor película que ha tenido Dragon Ball... Después de Garlick Jr con su saga :/

Mathew Siu

Which is a good thing Broly was given better treatment with DB Super lol


Estos pervertidos pidiendo a personajes que nadie conocía V:


Es una humillacion del personaje de Broly XD menos mal se reinvindicaron con la ultima pelicula :)


Glad to have something to look forward to when I wake up


Poor Broly, i can't forget this terrible movie.. Unfortunately xD. What about Erasa ? It's been a long time we did not see her hmm ?


Nice 😜


The real underrated scientist from a DB movie is Nion from Super Broly.


The scientist woman from DBS' Broly (was she even a Saiyan?) is a good choice. Also, Bulma, when you have a moment, please check messages ^-^


You put one of my comments on one of your posts?😮 What an honor.🤩


you can also draw bulma's mom or sister

Adner Nochez

Foxy we don't deserve you, you're too good to us 😂


This is why love you! Plus I be honest I literally forgot about her years ago 😂

Patrick Tulit

I try to forget this awful movie so I forgot about her she’s pretty nice 👍 this really is an underrated choice😅


Can you draw Kooky Cook From DBZ Kakarot


Miss Hamilton, from Gohans Class, the blonde teacher. She's hot. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/f/f3/GohanFemaleTeach.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20110805173542


that swamp Broly monster was really a bad idea 😐 I'll do polls more often


Don’t forget the other women in Princess snakes palace 🤤😍❤️👍🏻


Lol guess we both does lately huh ;D but at least we know :p there probably more underrated character lately

Reba Dixie

It will be interesting to see Nain! Though I'm surprised that Oceanus Shenran didn't win, she has like 17 votes total from all of the comments that mentioned her.