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Hey, everyone! thank you so much for your support over the months since I started this page, If I'm not wrong, I'm the only db artist with over 700 patrons, your support really exceeded my expectations.

These trying times oblige me to make a pause, I'm sorry for doing this all of a sudden and for not being able to reply comments and messages in the last month but the posts were scheduled and I was absent most of the time.

My patreon is going on hiatus starting October 1st, 2020. No need to do anything, your donations will not go through from next month

Please, don't cancel your memberships, your payment won’t be charged until I return from hiatus and that way you will be the first to know when I'm back

Thank you all so much for your support, my art improved dramatically in these 2 years and I'm really grateful for that too.

PS: I'll be posting in Deviantart from time to time to prove I'm not going anywhere, see you there :)



Take as long as you need 🌹


Darn I'll miss your art


Aqui te estaremos esperando bro.




Thank you very much for what you have done so far, your work is great come back soon I will wait for your return I wish you all the best


I’ll miss your art for the time being, but take your time! Whatever it is, I hope it turns out alright, I’ll always be here.👌


Have your time :) hope you will come back some day! We will miss you and your works


Rest well Foxy! 😘


Thanks for everything you've done, take as long as you need to! You've done an amazing job to the community so you definitely deserve it.


No need to worry, I'll wait 😁


Agree, I has been almost 3 years non-stop, thank you for your comprehension


thank you so much, I'd really appreciate it, without you guys I wouldn't have done anything


thank you so much, it was like almost 3 years non-stop, I'd really appreciate your support guys


Hell yeh take all the time ya need I’ll be here:)


Bulma I paid on sept 28 to you.... Will my payment be on risk... Will I able to see your content after you come back?


It's a pity, but I hope you get back into shape soon. Dear Please Read my PM. :)