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What should I focus on? the comic or the video?

  • Video 544
  • Comic 214
  • 2020-06-10
  • 758 votes
{'title': 'What should I focus on? the comic or the video?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Video', 'votes': 544}, {'text': 'Comic', 'votes': 214}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 10, 20, 57, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 758}


Notice: I won't stop doing any of these two, I'll probably end up doing both at the same time, but I'd like to know which one I should focus on.



Easily comic we’ve been invested in this for idk how long

Black Shiro

Pero al final terminarás ambos aunque lleve más tiempo?


Comic 😘

Jon young

I say both if possible


No puedo decidirme, ambos proyectos son muy prometedores. ¿Podrías repartir tiempo fifty - fifty? O supongo que el que te tome menos tiempo podrías acabarlo primero y asi tener toda tu atención en el siguiente una vez este acabado el primero.

Adner Nochez

Not a huge fan of kelfla so video


I won't stop the comic, actually I've been working on that, don't worry


I'm not a fan of kefla with goku so video


Either choice, it'll be awesome. 😄


Comic please! Its a masterpiece

dfgh dfghj

Focus on the video. Even if you focus on the comic, I think you should cap it off soon and do another story, if you can't simply start another story now.

Carson Tullo

I’m honestly fine with either. Quality work!


I say go for the video it is something fresh and different.


I wish the comic had some Yuri in it as well


Damn iv been waiting for kefla for EVER


i want kefla


I always choose video over a still image. KEKla


why not both .jpg XD but yeah, I'll end up doing both at 50/50 ratio, and that's good :)


Si, mejor detengo la encuesta que no ha hecho más que tomar una decisión dificil, voy a terminar haciendo 50/50 asi no preocupo a ningun bando :)


Thank you :) I'm working on the next comic pages, page 3 and 4 right now :)


I have a buch of ideas for new videos and comics for the future, but shorter ones, like comics of 8-10 pages and videos of 20-30 seconds, that way I can do many of them and get the choice to do it with more characters :)


there was a bit with Caulifla and Kale, but they're already fused into Kefla :(


I love to do animations, they're hard to do but the effort is worth it :)


Comic all the way. I like videos but Caulifla/Kale/Kefla are my favorites for sure. not to big on Chi Chi.

Jojo Ironbrow

My brain is telling me video but my other "brain" can go for either.


I prefer videos but comics aren’t bad too. So in my opinion make them both if you had to choose between them go for videos


hope you never stop doing animations of db series as they are best i saw in years of searching of enitire world to find you <3 probably thats why you have so much patreons :)


Yeah, I'll make both at the same time, this poll is just to know what you prefer :)


thank you so much :) I love to do animations so don't worry, I'll do much more of them for sure :)


Comic. It feels too long pause between pages


Choice 3, pics, no need text or animation