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I'm sorry in advance if this post will be filled with negative energy or something, but I want to write an honest message about my struggles with sims at the moment..

For the past couple of months, I've made over 50 meshes, I think. I have many finished meshes in my DL folder, which are still unpublished. That's because I'm really not easily satisfied with the way I present my stuff on my Tumblr. I want to present my meshes in a way so that I can be satisfied, otherwise it feels like my meshes are 'wasted', lol. So it takes really long till I can publish my meshes. I'm just a perfectionist, I guess, and it can be really annoying sometimes (especially because I have many finished meshes and I just want to publish them). -_-

So yeah, I had to write at least something about it lol, as it's been kind of a 'thing' for me for at least the last couple of months. And every time I hope I finally found a solution, but I somehow didn't manage to find one yet. I'm not asking for advice btw, I just wanted to write about this. :) Know that I really look forward to share all those meshes with you once I found a solution (or not, because I just feel like I just have to publish something again soon)!


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