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  • RikaBTS_Priichu.mp4



Sharing the wireframes for my Rika Animation as well as a quick behind the scenes look at my animation setup!
Video Attached Below

It was definitely a learning process as I've never animated something with multiple rigs and cameras before. The majority of it was built with camera cuts and keying rendering on specific objects to hide them out of sight. 

  • Swapped the fruits between the one in hand and one being throw. 
  • Turned off rendering of the fruit when eaten
  • Avoided animating the legs for walking (lol) but tried my best to make it convincing from the waist up
  • And some extremely simple shaders to fade transparent objects in and out for the last moment! 

I thought about talking over the video and pointing out when they happened but the scene itself is pretty messy since I'm still learning, so I didn't want people to take it as a tutorial.
In hindsight I probably should have made use of blenders NLA tracks to make editing the animations a bit easier, but despite the mess, it was still pretty fun to do! I want to continue making more short animations like these in the future




Love your animation and i absolutely love your artstyle! Cannot wait for your tutorials when you decide to make some. Always an inspiration! Thank you for sharing the bts files and showing the wireframes.


Thank you very much! I'm currently working on recording a summary of my texturing workflow as a way to figure out how to approach tutorials in the future. So hopefully soon!