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Howard recommended a wonderful mastering engineer by the name of Dan Shikes, and we’re in the thick of sending mixes back and forth!

After spending so many hours shaping these songs, I have a good feel for how delicate they are. Dan has approached each one with a very tender touch, and it shows.

My greatest fear with mastering was that the songs would lose their dynamic beauty and feel squished. But the first batch of masters I got back made me cry. They were brighter, warmer and more dynamic than before.

I cannot wait to share them with you.

Stay tuned!


P.S. I found this clock face at a friends house… isn’t it lovely?




Mastering is an art form unto itself and really can make or break a project. I am so glad you found the right person to master your songs. With the relatively sparse instrumentation and intimate feel of so many of the songs, it definitely needed a seasoned engineer.


Very cool , my parents gave me a grandfather clock with the same face , it’s up at my brothers house in Shawnee

Lady Moon

So true David. Honestly, this is one of the parts I was most nervous about! :)