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Friends, not only did we make it home safe and sound, but we brought a new addition to the menagerie with us!

I’ve always wanted a little


back mandolin, so when I spied this bug at the True thrift store in Salida, I was thrilled to discover what great shape it was in! Made in 1891, we scored quite a deal.

I think it’s a she and I’m thinking of naming her Lady Bug… but time will tell. So far I know Bach and Vivaldi suit this bug very well, I’m excited to show you!

I’m also excited to say The Patron Only Show will be starting up again next Tuesday! I hope you know, I’ve missed you all immensely 🦉

And next week (likely on Monday) I’ll have an album update for you as well! So stay tuned 🌝

In the meantime, I’ll be catching up on your messages, practicing, and getting settled in here.

All my love -




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