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We're entering the fourth dimension with The Plattner Story by H.G. Wells!

Special thanks to reader Erik Peabody of Viking Guitar Productions. Check out his full reading of our own Chris Lackey's short story SNACK TIME on the Horror Hill Podcast!

What is the Fourth Dimension? by Charles Howard Hinton.


Outro track - OBLITERATOR by Viking Guitar

Intro track - Gnossienne: No. 1 by Erik Satie



Just wanted to say, I’m from Leeds in the UK, I’m currently over in Moncton, New Brunswick. I met a fellow strange studies subscriber at a movie night last night! Instant new Boon companions


For an amusing science fiction take on the fourth dimension check out Heinlein’s “and He Built a Crooked House”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_He_Built_a_Crooked_House


Plattner appearing to people during the days he was missing made me think of Captain Kirk popping up every so often in "The Tholian Web." (Other Star Trek comes to mind, too -- Geordi and Ro being out of phase, for example.) Also, of course, one thinks of Stranger Things, various spirit worlds in the World of Darkness, &c.


Oh, and: I'm waiting for the kids to start taking the "H.G. Wells sit in a dark room until you see the green hills" TikTok challenge.