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What could go wrong on a visit to The Tower of Sacrifice? Let's all find out together as we read The Tower by Marghanita Laski! The transcribed story is available here or here.

Special thanks to our reader, Rachel Lackey of Rachel Watches Star Trek!

Here's that article on Laski from Furrowed Middlebrow.



Slightly off topic and lesser beings than we would say the season for this has passed but... if PBM are ever in the mood to do a cover or two, I must insist that the below be given serious consideration. Maybe in March? Soul Dracula - Hot Blood https://youtu.be/wHG0fzxwg3E?si=SFKxwwvaU8xovSVv


Guys, I don’t know if I missed it on a previous episode if you makde the connection but… You realize the Disney Legend of sleepy Hollow is narrated by… Bing Crosby, right?