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We're reading your Komments on Klein™!

Once more, Erik Peabody's FULL READING of T.E.D. Klein's amazing story The Events at Poroth Farm on the Horror Hill podcast. Listen on YouTube here.

September 30th, peep Lackey and Greig Johnson at the Innsmouth Literary Festival!



Random thought - I think I might have found an earlier jump scare than Cat People, it’s in Haxan a 1922 silent movie which if you haven’t watched is brilliant and would make a good topic for an extras show


Fun story about watching Lake Mungo: My family was out of town for the evening, so I decided to watch Lake Mungo by myself. I sat of my floor so my dog could sleep on my lap. Right at the climax near the end at Lake Mungo, someone pointed a flashlight into a window from my driveway, a few feet from where I was sitting. I screamed. I quickly tried to get up, but found out that... my legs were most definitely asleep. So I fell over. Not just once, like 3-4 times. There's still a flashlight shining in my window, and I am in full freak out mode. It took 2 or 3 minutes for my legs to start working again, and once they did, I went to the door to see what was going on. The interloper, now a safe distance away from me, just wanted to know if they could have a piece of furniture that I had put out for trash pickup. Yeah, I suppose they should have knocked, or they were probably just trying to rob me. Thanks for the movie recommendation :-)