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We're gathering evil kid stories this month, starting with It's a Good Life by Jerome Bixby - a story made famous by The Twilight Zone!

Special thanks to reader Albert Lackey! Check out his YouTube page.

Piano music in this episode is adapted from Sevilla by Isaac Albéniz.



Albert Lackey did a fantastic job reading this story!


Speaking of Bixby's "Mirror, Mirror," the "Star Trek Continues" web series did a sequel episode called "Fairest of Them All" in which Beardo Spock leads a mutiny against Mirror Kirk. It's not bad, although events seem a bit rushed, maybe. And like the other STC episodes, it gets the look and lighting right, and they even found an eerie lookalike actress to play Marlena Moreau (the "Captain's woman"). (There's another "Moreau" reference for you.) (My girlfriend and I have been watching this series this summer along with "New Voyages" ever since visiting the former "New Voyages" sets in Ticonderoga, New York, which is a must for any Star Trek fan who can get to northeastern New York.)