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We're talking Polish mermaid musical THE LURE as well as the ghost film ATLANTICS and the wonderful documentary BATHTUBS OVER BROADWAY!

Again - apologies for the jagged quality of Fifer's video - upgrades are nearly complete and smooth sailing lies ahead!

Video link for this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtI47jWuP-g



A few thing in this episode made me think of the mermaid in Red Dwarf episode ‘Better Than Life’ where the crew find a hologame that will bring their dreams to life: Holly : What's happening, dudes? The Cat : We're having a really nice time. I'm dating Marilyn Monroe and also I have another girlfriend who's a mermaid. She's half woman, half fish. [turns round to look]  The Cat : It's Miranda, my girlfriend! [as she comes out of the water we see that the top half of her is a fish, the bottom half is a woman]  Holly : Somehow I'd imagined she'd be a woman on top and a fish on the bottom. The Cat : No, that's the *stupid* way round!


My dad was a salesman for RCA in the 1960s and early 70s, and each year he attended the Quota Club trip of star salesmen. I just watched "Bathtubs Over Broadway," and I can just imagine my dad in the audience of one of those industrial musicals. What a delight! (Of course, the experience sent me to googling RCA's Quota Club and I found nothin'. Still, I learned that his project with the Pentagon that I barely remember - a mainframe computer system called Spectra 70 - was sloughed off to Sperry Rand/Univac, after which RCA withered and died. Dad held on with Univac another decade. Tough times for him - I never realized it as a kid!)