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We're discussing our thoughts on the Lovecraft adaptations from the Netflix series Cabinet of Curiosities: "Pickman's Model" and "Dreams in the Witch House."

Video link for this episode: https://youtu.be/CCDlaGjBKZc

Next up: a month of love stories from Robert Aickman, starting with The Stains!



I didn't watch the Lovecraft adaptations either for the same reason Chad was saying, no one I know who did liked it, and after hearing this episode I'll continue to not watch them, but I'll give the other ones a watch, I can imagine Graveyard Rats being a fun one


Super weird that the episodes from the director of Twilight and the director of the Firestarter remake weren’t great


Btw I don’t think Twilight was just a job for Catherine Hardwicke. I heard a lengthy podcast interview with her where she discussed the origins of the movie. She said that it was her who found the novel and pitched it as a film, and that it took a while to find a studio willing to take it on, and that she developed it every step of the way. When it became a huge hit it was a blow to her that they wouldn’t consider her for the sequels - her that was now that it was a moneymaker, they thought it was time to bring in men. She was very sympathetic and smart and seemed very committed to the movie and protective of it. I’ve watched all the Twilight movies and honestly I think hers is the best one. But it still isn’t very good.