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Anne Rice helps us put the P in Pulp as we read your comments!



Let the right one in is totally messed up. I don’t blame you for misremembering if only because it’s all so damn insane. Also, yes Chris, Vampire Hunter D is a half vampire, or Dhampir, though the vampires in that universe are weird because there’s some post-nuclear apocalypse, genetic engineering, bio-mechanical stuff going on. It’s fun though 🤷🏼‍♂️


OK, yep I guess it's my job. I've grown to really dislike Star Wars, it's not the silliness; I love Flash Gordon the movie or the inconsistency. like Star Trek and beaming down an away team without a truck, it's complete and utter lack of a decent villain. There's no tension. The first Star Wars was great. Planets exploding and Darth Vader was a henchman. But then the sequels... EWOKS!!!!! My god, what kind of Empire is it when the shots never hit and they get beaten by a race of teddy bears. You HAVE to have a good villain to make a great story and there's nothing of the sort in Star Wars. Just incompetent boobery! I swear the Empire in Star Wars is run by the same people as run the trains in Boston.....


And I will say (in case no one realizes it) I love the show!!!! And BTW my guilty pleasure is bad westerns....

Tomas Rawlings

+1 for Lifeforce!!! Key trivia: The model for the alien spaceship was an artichoke. And, The dummies used as dissected corpses were used in The Mummy (1999) Also to add a Lovecraftian connection (of sorts) White Dwarf had a space vampire Call of Cthulhu adventure http://level2-wardy-la.blogspot.com/2012/09/call-of-cthulhu-last-log-scenario.html?m=1


Yay thanks Chad. It always makes me happy when I can return the favor to somebody who makes me laugh.


Re: Star Wars -- Duchess Satine in The Clone Wars was the pacifist ruler of Mandalore. I thought that was one of the best arcs through that show - with her as a ruler of what was previously a warlike civilization, trying to not only be personally pacifist (I think she only uses a stun blaster) but keep the systems she ruled out of the war. A big part of that show was just seeing how even best intentioned people are manipulated or positioned by Shreev into no options but conflict. It would be great to see characters with that struggle. Maybe in Andor? Seeing resistance fighters struggle with how far they are willing to go?


I don’t normally comment before listening to the entire podcast, but the mention of Anne Rice’s books being passed around in junior high, like Flowers In the Attic, brought a lot of memories back. Sadly, Anne Rice’s books were not circulating through my junior high, but DAMN I remember the Flowers In the Attic series & I think I was the first one to read it (they were very good books) though as a pre-teen I was basically shocked into reading more. Looking back I would definitely have preferred to read Anne Rice. Just because the “sci-fi” reality vs “real” reality is much less scary and/or disturbing. SCI-FI RULES, REALITY DROOLS!

Avlin Starfall

Haven't finished the episode yet but immediately thought, when the onion comment was made about revealing things about yourself, so the onion comment from Shrek was an actual thing not just a good analogy?


Woohoo! My second time making the comment show (at least to my knowledge). Thanks to Richard Maier Art for the assist!


Not listened yet but with March is for Draculas soon upon us I just wanted to remind you about these vampiric Robert Aickman stories, "The Strangers" "Pages from a Young Girl's Journal" "No Time Is Passing" "The Visiting Star"


I’ve not seen the American version of Let The Right One In but in the original euro version I felt it was strongly implied that the old man was a thrall to the girl vampire who had ALSO started as a kid and was now of little use to her so the whole plot was about her replacing him with a new model. Is the American version explicitly making him into a generic pedo? If so that’s not nearly as dramatically interesting to me, and far less palatable.


I think you'll find it's pronounced Wise-dom. But turning to dental horror, the only thing I find difficult to watch, it was not uncommon within living memory for people to have all their teeth removed as a 21st birthday present, so they never had to worry about tooth decay, Ugh.


Aw, my nice comment about my dad and Anne Rice didn't make the cut, but my stupid comment about Star Wars did. I see how it is. [kicks rock]


Lifeforce is slightly sleazy (the main alien vampire spends much of the time nude) fun 80s sci-fi. Its actually based on Colin Wilson’s 1976 book “The Space Vampires”. Which had a movie tie-in reprint which isn’t hard to find. For a connection to your show’s wheelhouse, simply read what the wiki says: “The entire premise and shape of the story is heavily indebted to, and influenced by, the work of H.P. Lovecraft and his Cthulhu Mythos. Wilson mentioned Lovecraft's influence and said that "Lovecraft's favorite idea of incubi who can steal a human body, expelling its rightful owner" was central to the story. Other Lovecraftian elements noted by Carol Margaret Davison include "an ancient race of creatures who inhabited Earth long before the human race and who lurk out of sight, usually in dark nasty corners, plotting to reclaim it." Lovecraft's stories with similar themes include "The Call of Cthulhu", "The Colour Out of Space", "The Whisperer in Darkness", and "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward". Some consider The Space Vampires to be so Lovecraftian that authors such as Daniel Harms and John Wisdom Gonce have classed it as actually being a part of the Cthulhu mythos. Rosemary Guiley describes The Space Vampires as being "inspired" by the Cthulhu mythos.”


If anyone wants a bit of old classic dental horror check out Phantom of the Paradise.


I had a lot of weird discussions with that dentist, who was a bit of a prankster. I had a procedure where he cauterized a spot on my gums te prevent improper tissue growth. He was getting the device ready, and casually said "Now, you'll smell something like barbecue. I recommend you don't think about it too much."


Thanks for the kind words about my ridiculous HeroForge Doctor Satan, and for including my Anne Rice comment! I realized listening to this episode today that I have almost zero recollection of reading The Tale of the Body Thief apart from knowing that I have, so I guess it made a huge impression on me.


My head-canon for Let the Right One In is that the older man isn't a pedophile, but rather someone who fell in love with the vampire as a child, the same way the protagonist does. So he is an older man who loves her but that's because he aged and she stayed the same. I don't think this is right--I think in the book he was a pedophile--but if it were true it would presage a dark destiny for the protagonist.

Ben Gilbert

That’s what I thought. Maybe I got it from the American remake of the movie.