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Theme from Episode 581 - Bat Man. Spicy.


Jeremy Impson

Real Jack Horkheimer "Star Hustler" vibes!


This track got caught in my hair.


The perfect ode to a rich boy's parents being shot in an alley.


I have been a long-time listener and finally upgraded to the $6 tier (for the music, I am cultured). I have been listening to this, and the Nutcracker tracks while grading papers this week and have been thinking about publishing on the experience. Thoughts for an academic title? I was thinking something like "The utilization of android-inspired (AI) soundscapes on continuous execution of repetitive, but complex, tasks - a retrospective experience" for the Nutcracker...


If Jeff Wayne can manage a successful War of the Worlds epic musical, I reckon Chad can score and star in the best damn musical Batman creeper stage show ever!