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Comments on Patton Oswalt and Snail Sex!

Here's the Three Stooges short: Three Pests in a Mess 

Next month: SCARY FAIRIES!



So a thought comes to mind when you guys talk about The Devil's Crypt and thinking back to the story. How many such stories do we encounter where the hero/victim/protag in some way shape or form stumbles upon some dark conspiracy that is just on the verge of completion? What if, in tihs instance, it's just the day to day upkeep for them? "We have Loches the immolater queuing up to be brought into the physical world so sacrificing these twin sisters is on my schedule along with planning Morchis the tormentor's surprise birthday party." That said, also thinking back to that phrase will to slay am I the only one that now hears a badass heavy metal riff when that comes to mind? I guess it could also be the title of Blasted Heath's new album after shuffling around a few band members and trying out a new sound while trying to perfect their Dark Speed Metal sound :D


Spent all of today going through Cults of Cthulhu. Definitely one of the books I've most looked forward to and it did not disappoint. I was especially tickled at your use of Rachel, Andrew, and Chad as example GMs. That got quite a chuckle out of me. Edit: Stumbled on Anthony Tedesco doing his best Tom Cruise impression and is it me or do a few of the EOD leaders look like our wonderful hosts?


It's pretty grim to me that someone would unsub due to some basically very mild commentary on racism and sexism in weird fiction.


Have you aged? How do I know you haven’t been replaced by a resurrected ancestor.


Snail sex? Whatever. Try reading about lobster sex. It's like a pair of serial killers in an autocannibalistic frenzy, with a whole lot of urine. I really wonder if Jordan Peterson really wants a bunch of right wing young men to tear off each others limbs in hopes a hot woman will want to pee on them. Nature, man.


Thinking about the older episodes made me realize what an impact you guys have had on my development as a reader and as an intellectual more generally. If you want to feel REALLY old, I’ve been listening to you guys for more than a THIRD of my entire life, and I have a college degree. Sorry to age you 😅. The fact that Shoggoth Lord has never actually played the game made me think, have you guys ever thought about doing a special Patreon tier for like an anniversary or something and you and patrons play a game over zoom or discord or something? I think it would make good content for the general audience and could be a fun reward. Just a thought


I binged your whole show in about two months while I was working lol