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The HPPodcraft website has had a redesign and now has a new RSS feed (archive and search pages will be restored soon).

As Patreon subscribers, this is pretty trivial, since it will mean absolutely NO change for you or your feed. 

The new HPPodcraft site will still be getting one free episode a month, but that will change when we launch the new Strange Studies website. Strange Studies will be the feed the non-subscribers will have to go to get the free episode each month. 

Again, as subscribers here, don't worry about this as NOTHING will change for you. 

Just want to keep the gang in the loop!




What is the link to this "nothing" going to change site?


Its a revamp of the old https://www.hppodcraft.com/ site


Waiting for the 1st Robert Aickman episode is like spooky Christmas... oh wait that's what Halloween is right...


Glad to see the excellent tenth anniversary artwork on the new page! Looking great!

Mark Brett

I like the new look, but why did you get rid of the archive page? That made it so easy to dip in and find a specific episode about a specific story. The new layout requires me to scroll through over 500 episodes, 20 at a time. That makes the actual Lovecraft episodes very difficult to find. It's better than the Patreon layout, mind you, but still super-annoying.


this is all gonna be restored - we actually use the search and the archive a lot on this end as well - just will be in flux this month as we work on it:)


I will miss the aesthetic of the old site--the black and green and the Lovecraft portrait were a time machine to a fondly remembered past for me. That said, the new site looks nice, and all good things must pass into memory.


Anyone else having their spotify blown out like a cheap 20 dollar deep one


I rather like the new look.


Also, if you want to read a creepy book, I just finished The Twisted Ones, by T Kingfisher. It’s a sequel to Arthur Machen’s The White People, but in modern day, back woods North Carolina. The heroine is cleaning out her recently deceased grandmother’s house when she finds the diary of her step-grandfather, Cotgrave (from the Machen story), talking about Ambrose, and the green book stolen from his wife. Then things get really creepy. Highly recommended.


NGL wish the show notes were here or linked here.