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We're talking space exploration with Mason Starr - a Missions Operations Specialist who operates cameras aboard the Perseverance and Curiosity rovers ON MARS!


Jeremy Impson

Hell yeah thank you Mason


That was absolutely delightful! Thank you so much for putting this together, C&C Podcast Factory. And special thanks to Mason for general awesomeness and your contribution to the notion of nominative determinism.


C&C Podcast Factory, creators of such hits as “Things that make you go AAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” and “Gonna Make You Sweat (Blood - Everybody Chant Now)”


Thanks Mason. I really appreciated NASA organizing the landing so that it took place in the afternoon where I am. I could sit back and enjoy biting my nails along with everyone else. Has Chris picked his jaw up off the floor yet after hearing at the utter lack of trekkies among your colleagues?


THANK YOU MASON! You’re awesome!


So... Masons on Mars conspiracy confirmed by an HPL podcast? What a strange world the future is.


Mars sounds more synthy than I thought it would.


I'm sure they'll be a bigfoot too. Those guys get everywhere.


Thanks Mason! That was a fun episode. Similar to Chad & Chris, I watched a Mars rover landing with my son. But since he's bit older (21), it was Curiosity's landing we watched. :-) I did watch Perseverance's as well, but son was in class at college (remotely).


I was surprised as well! I can't speak for the project as a whole but my camera team just doesn't have any trekkies. :(

Jason Thompson

Wonderful episode! You guys should talk to more people in nerdy fields!


Very, very nice! Now it's time to step up the game and sprinkle some episodes with incorrect quantum physics fact-baits to make Neil deGrasse Tyson reveal himself in the comments.

Jeremy Impson

Great episode, and thank you Mason! First, I can't think of a better job title than Martian Cameraman. Second, does Mason Starr remind anyone else of an Isaac Asimov protagonist?