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Hey all you guys and ghouls! We hear you gentle listeners want to see what it's like behind the scenes on our show, so we've done a short 1 minute 30 video that gives you a peek behind the curtain.

The video will premiere on Tuesday, March 30th at 8PM on YouTube!


Tune in, make some comments and enjoy!



So cool! Can’t wait!


I am imagining wax sculptures and angles so far from euclidean that madness has already begun to take my mind...


It is not available to watch, as you have set it to air on a specific date, YouTube did goof not letting there be an option to let people who have the link to see it???


You teasing us with antici pation


Very eager to see this! However, also very disappointed that upon closer inspection of the thumbnail image on YouTube I realized that Chad is not actually wearing a raspberry beret and jaunty matching scarf as I thought on first glance.


I'm honestly surprised that Chat is wearing pants, much less a cardinal's robe.


The proximity to april 1st unsettles me... I’m preparing for animatronic shenanigans or some sort of cosmically horrible Rick Roll


I am glad to see y'all will be covering a sci-fi tale I recommended to you way back.