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This Manimal manages to tie the Titanic, Masters of the Universe and Invisible Man worlds all together, FINALLY!



I’ve been saving up episodes for a January binge but I can’t wait on a Manimal!


Another Manimal! The best Christmas gift there ever was!


I would imagine the Hessian "wolf children" didn't have THAT hard of a time of it since they could always just toast up some bread if they got hungry. They did have electric forest toasters back then right? I assume that's right.


First and foremost: "Manimal might be a piece of [bleep]!" you say? You shut your mouth, sir. You shut your darn pie hole! Naturally, Dr. Jonathan Chase (PhD, DDS, MD, JD, DO, Esq) could have turned himself into a shark. He could have even doubled down and gone tiger shark. (Manimal tiger shark. Think about it. No, really picture it in your mind. I'll wait. Got it. Yeah. Oh, yeah.) But, no. He went with a dolphin. Sure, dolphins are adorable acrobats with remarkable intelligence. But we know that Dr. Jonathan Chase (LLD, OBE) is naturally drawn to dolphins because of their penchant for sexual aggressiveness. I mean dolphins will get off any which way they can - consent be damned. What I'm saying is that Dr Jonathan Chase (perv, cad, HR nightmare come to life) is drawn to transform into animals that reflect or enable his, er, predilections. He is the eye in the sky looking at you. The panther of love. A snake. Now a dolphin. And I'll just let you consider the id-inspired choices of animal to come. Jeez. Maybe he is sort of a piece of [bleep].


Vistabo thinks its weird when people act like animals? Methinks Chris protests too much. Purrrrrrrr


Is a porno setup like the "inciting incident" of a first act or more like the "rising action" in the second act? Totally asking for a friend...who has a thing for narrative structure...yeah...


I am once again asking for a Manimal Feature film from the HP Podcraft production company. Crowdfund buying the IP from Sony (I rechecked after last comments show) and give us what we deserve in 2021.


Kids are generally raised by goats tbh


DOCTOR DRAKE RAMORAY: Okay, what have we got? NURSE: Animal attack, Doctor Ramoray - it looks like this man has been mauled by wolves! RAMORAY: Hang two liters of o neg, type and cross-match, stat! What do we know about this man? NURSE: According to his credentials, he’s a writer from some show named ‘Manimal’. RAMORAY: What?!? That’s the third one this week! What are these fools playing at? NURSE: Doctor, we’re losing him! WRITER grabs RAMORAY’s arm REMORAY: He’s trying to say something... What is it? WRITER: Tell... costume department... ripped brown animal hide... bikini... works.... uuurrrghhh HOSPITAL MONITOR: BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE RAMORAY: Nooooooooooooooooooo! Well, whatever you were doing with those wolves, I hope it was worth it. MEANWHILE IN THE FOREST a wolf sashays through the undergrowth in a skimpy, torn brown bikini.


Manimal is the Henry James sentence of 1980s television. It will neither stop nor get to the f-ing point.


Late to the dance, knowing nothing about Manimal, I can thank this podcast for flipping my presumption at "Play" of a lack to quickly uplift within minutes the scenario to that of a bowl still 1/2 filled with warm milk to lap. Again, I see that by not streaming visual entertainment, and also submitting to the removal of cable from rent, I have dodged another contemporary of.... Sorry, my ego kept typing, further exposing itself and my loneliness. [Insert comical, throw-away line here.]


The best thing about all of these 80's genre shows were the 20-30 seconds of movie quality SFX they would spring for in the pilot that are then recycled in EVERY EPISODE. Airwolf shooting the hellfire, Werewolf hulking out, BSG cylon attacks, Manimal transformation sequences, Streethawk doing a jump. Sooo cheesey but pure nirvana for a child forced to watch weekly :P